Intimate Interiors

Bullied. I am silenced, as though my tongue has been tied. I feel censored in my being. Lost and tortured, I no longer recognize myself. Your razor tongues cut me deeper than the cuts I now inflict upon myself. Am I to blame for the cruel names you encroach upon me? I feel hopeless, alone, and isolated. The light that once shined in me is quickly diminishing. I no longer understand my place in this world. 38” x 32” Acrylic and oil on canvas 2010-11

I am silenced, as though my tongue has been tied.  I feel censored in my being.  Lost and tortured, I no longer recognize myself.   Your razor tongues cut me deeper than the cuts I now inflict upon myself.  Am I to blame for the cruel names you encroach upon me?  I feel hopeless, alone, and isolated.  The light that once shined in me is quickly diminishing.  I no longer understand my place in this world.

38” x 32”
Acrylic and oil on canvas