Intimate Interiors

Bigoted. Of course, I am self-righteous and judgmental. I live by the word of God. I have used my beliefs to hate. It has influenced me to discriminate against Jews, Blacks, Women, Moslems, Gays and others. The God I worship is judgmental, vengeful, jealous and punishing. But now he has turned his back on me. How could he have allowed this to happen? Haven’t I done everything according to his laws? I now wonder if there is a place for me in heaven as he has promised. I know I deserve and have earned it. 38” x 32” Acrylic and oil on canvas 2010-11

Of course, I am self-righteous and judgmental.  I live by the word of God.  I have used my beliefs to hate.  It has influenced me to discriminate against Jews, Blacks, Women, Moslems, Gays and others.  The God I worship is judgmental, vengeful, jealous and punishing.  But now he has turned his back on me.  How could he have allowed this to happen?  Haven’t I done everything according to his laws?  I now wonder if there is a place for me in heaven as he has promised.  I know I deserve and have earned it.

38” x 32”
Acrylic and oil on canvas